
Arenas will have the ability to host skill-based experiences based on in-game performance and overall skill level. Users can connect their avatar/account to game publisher APIs (Web2 & Web 3), where we can easily track performance in-game.

As an Arena owner, you can specify the following:

  1. Game Title

  2. Access requirements

    1. Entry fee ($ARNA/$BYTE)

    2. Account Level

    3. NFT Owned (Metapass, 3rd Party, etc.)

    4. Free

  3. Number of Entries

  4. Prizes

    1. Tokens: Pulled from the Arenas staking pool

    2. NFTs: Custom-made or supplied by brand sponsors

    3. XP: Account experience in the host Arena

  5. Skill Requirements

    1. Is there a minimum number of games played (prevent smurfing)

    2. Rank, MMR

  6. Scoring

    1. Default

    2. Custom Made

How will we prevent smurfing/match fixing?

In addition to user reports, we will release our custom crypto wallet built for gamers, Passport.

Passport will allow users to connect their gaming and social accounts and establish a Web3 identity system. While protecting a user's privacy, we will use this along with wallet history, platform activity, and other factors to develop a reputation system specific to certain experiences that bad actors will most likely target.

Last updated