
Revenue Streams

The $ARNA token will provide immediate liquidity to players, creators, and investors, with the value ultimately being derived by the experiences built within our metaverse. Our focus on creating new business models in esports and gaming will set us apart from other platforms. We believe that fantasy is just the first layer of the esports metaverse.

Metarena Sales

50% locked up for six months, then allocated to the Arena Pool


50% locked-up for 6 months then allocated to the Treasury Reserve

Sale of ASSETS developed by Esports One

  • Player and Utility Cards

  • Contest access Tokens

  • Battle Passes

  • Personalized avatars

  • Customization and cosmetics


50% to Staking Pool 50% to Platform Pool

Esports One takes a 5% fee of all transactional volume using $ESPORT tokens. Governance mandates can set fee distribution.

  • Marketplace purchases

  • Arena & Asset Transactions

  • Contest entry-fees

  • Creator experiences


25% to Platform Pool to support growth of the token ecosystem 50% to Community Pool 25% to Staking Pool

Multiple subscription models that include access to premium features.

  • Stats Dashboards

  • Enhanced Player Hubs

  • Discord Premium

Brand & Partners

50% to Platform Pool 50% to Partner Pool

We will engage select brands to enable players with additional forms of engagement and opportunities for future monetization. These brands will have the chance to host their own contests, sponsor and even purchase outright their own ARENAS.

  • Rewards would include promotional assets, $ARNA tokens, and potentially their own individual token.

  • Distribution would occur via fantasy participation, airdropped, battle passes or via our mission system.


We've defined a core set of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that will play a significant part in the ecosystem's success. These variables that we're targeting will ensure we establish organic growth that empowers arena owners and their communities as well as individual managers. Each KPI includes its own set of date ranges (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)

  • Player growth & retention

  • Creator growth & retention

  • Number of active arenas

  • Number of fantasy contests

  • Number of fantasy contest entries

  • Arenas won

  • Active NFT assets in circulation

  • NFT assets minted and sold

  • Average price of player cards by rarity

  • Total tokens in circulation

  • Price of $ARNA

  • Amount of $ARNA transactions

Last updated